Unlike distant national issues, decisions about local matters are entirely ours to make.  At a time when budgets are short and challenges long, now is the time to bring many voices to the civic discussion about Tallahassee.

Thursday night, February 16, citizens will have a unique opportunity to chat over pizza dinner with both Tallahassee city commissioners and Leon County commissioners. “OUR TOWN: Local Leadership Forum” aims to be a one-stop, painless – possibly even entertaining – way to get up to speed on everything Tallahassee. 

The forum is the first in an ongoing series of unique local issues forums being launched by The Village Square, a nonprofit formed by local leaders to improve the civility and the factual accuracy of the civic dialogue. The series is part of a grant funded by the John S. and James L. Knight Fund at the Community Foundation of North Florida to foster an informed, engaged community.

 The forum is co-sponsored by Leadership Tallahassee and the Tallahassee Democrat. It is from 5:30 to 7:30 pm Thursday, February 16 at St. John’s Episcopal Church at 211 North Monroe Street (enter at rear Calhoun Street entrance). It is free and open to the public, though a reservation is requested.

 Those unable to attend can watch the program livestream at Tallahassee.com ­­­or follow an online discussion on Twitter, hashtag #vsq. For more information or to RSVP, go online to www.tothevillagesquare.org or call 264-8785.