Guest Editors – John & Renee McNeill (LT 33 & LT 23)

I was a recent college graduate just getting into commercial lending when my former employer asked if I would like to apply for Leadership Tallahassee? Kind of hesitant being the “newbie” in the industry but excited to have the potential to meet and network with other leaders in Tallahassee if I were accepted, I eagerly applied. I was accepted into Class 23 and ended up meeting some wonderful leaders in this community that I have stayed in touch with throughout the years! You truly do meet lifelong friends and learn wonderful things that are going on in the community that you never would have known about were it not for this program!

For many years, I was one of those that found myself to be “too busy” to apply for and commit to Leadership Tallahassee. However after watching Renee, many friends, as well as several other members of the NAI TALCOR team go through the LT program over the years I decided it was time for me to bite the bullet and apply. After submitting my application I was accepted into Class 33 and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. As a lifelong Tallahassee resident I was amazed about the aspects of our community that I was not familiar with as well as the challenges many members of our community face on a daily basis that I was not aware of. On top of the many amazing experiences that LT provided me and the community aspects that LT exposed me to, the relationships formed are undoubtedly the biggest asset of the program.

Co-Curriculum Chairs LT 34
When Barbara asked the two of us to be the co-curriculum chairs for Class 34 we said yes without much hesitation. When we left the meeting we both looked at this as something that was out of our comfort zone but something we were excited to have the opportunity to do together! We hit the ground running and started planning the year! We are off to a great start having completed the Opening Retreat in Jacksonville, Healthcare Day and Human Services Day. Up next: Justice Day in December! It has been wonderful getting to know each of the individuals in LT Class 34 and showing them some of the great opportunities that Tallahassee has to offer as well as the challenges that are before them. We are confident that much like LT Class 23 & 33, LT 34 will undoubtedly be one of the best classes ever!