Guest Editor – Marcia Thornberry (LT 27 & Lifetime Member)

I was born in Miami but have lived in Tallahassee since I was adopted by my parents Syde and Angie Deeb at 6 1/2 months old. At that time they were already active board members in numerous local, regional, state and National organizations. Both were advocates and avid fund raisers. I was taught from an early age to give back to my community in order to make it a better place, not only for myself and my family but also for those who lived there. It was not unusual for me to come home from school and walk into one of my Mothers animated committee meetings frequently about fund raising.

Although I had an opportunity to apply for Leadership at its inception, I felt my children were too young so, in 1994 when asked to be a Community Liaison member on the LT Board, I jumped at the chance. After two years on the board I regretted my earlier decision. When I finally did apply I thought I was too old but submitted the application anyway. Little did I know, that one act would be life altering. That first year I learned there were so many things I did not know about a place that I had lived for almost 60 years.

I have forged friendships I never would have made with people I have grown to love and admire but never would have met. I believe strongly in the LT programs, what they afford its members, what it provides for Tallahassee and our community, and have encouraged family and friends to apply. My son, J. R. Long was in LT 29; my husband Bob LT 30; Sarah Deeb LT 31; nephew Rocky Hanna LT 31; my youngest daughter Jacqueline Long Webster and nephew Bobby Long LT 33. This year, my daughter-in-law Brittany Adams Long is in LT 34.

After “graduation” there are still reoccurring membership opportunities that should be on your To-do List. Some include:

  • Attend Building Better Boards to gain invaluable information and resources related to board services.
  • Mingle and interact with a diverse group of our communities leaders at the Distinguished Leadership Awards dinner.
  • Join other LT graduates for LT 2.0. A more in-depth look into topics unable to be covered during a class year.
  • Suggest a colleague attend Opportunity Tallahassee, a one day seminar designed to look at our community’s issues while networking with our areas key decision makers.
  • Spend part of a day with the current YLT Class and meet some of our future leaders.

I have attended each, sometimes more than once, and recommend them all.

My parents were good role models. Being thankful for what we had, seeing a need and trying to fulfill it, was just something we did. I too have volunteered extensively and like them, have been an active member on numerous local, regional, state and National Boards. But, Leadership Tallahassee has been my catalyst to make a difference in my community. I feel giving back and giving a part of ourselves is the most important thing we can do.

I’m completing my 4th and final year on the LT Board of Governors. I have served as DLA Chairman, Fund Development Chairman for two years, Recruitment Chairman; have participated in the Total Resource Campaign for 2 years, a member of the Building Better Boards committee and Membership committee for 3 years. BUT…..I am most proud to be a member of Class 27, the only class to be awarded a prize for “BEST CLASS EVER”.