If you are reading this then you already know the impact Leadership Tallahassee can have on your life. You were probably involved in the community prior to joining, and continue to be involved now. The LT program year expanded you mentally and emotionally, gaining a deeper understanding and appreciation for our region and those who work so hard to make it a beautiful place.
But what are you doing now?
Have you become complacent volunteering in the same annual events, serving on the same boards, attending the same events, and eating at the same old places?
If you don’t keep engaging and improving you become just like leftover grits-old, cold, and stale. Don’t be like leftover grits.
I am a proud member of LT Class 31 (the most fertile/best class ever). We are a diverse group of characters with extremely different backgrounds, which somehow against all odds work well together. We are a family-who argue and want to wring each other’s necks but when it comes down to it we lift each other up any chance we get. We continue to have meet-ups every month thanks to our Big and Little Cheeses (Sondra Timpson & Mary-Rose Sirianni – the most amazing odd couple ever), and try to keep our class bond strong.
Why stop at being with your classmates? The point of LT is to connect, learn, and lead the Leon County community. LT Class 29 recognized the significant drop off of classmate’s involvement after the program days ended. In a class effort to continue engagement they created LT2.0, an alumni relations program that provides alums of LT opportunities to participate in program days after graduation.
The best part about LT is that the fun never has to end. Chairing LT2.0 and Personal Safety Day has been like conducting school reunions for big people. A program day of arts and culture that you did- maybe 2, 10, or 20 years old at this point. Our community is evolving and improving every week, and with this sub-section of LT we can continue to grow with it. The program days bring together participants from every class and allow us to share our previous experiences, while enhancing our current knowledge.
For more than 30 years Leadership Tallahassee has identified, educated, inspired and engaged current and emerging leaders for the well-being of our community.
As those leaders it is our responsibility to continue to improve ourselves, while enhancing the community. We have some exciting LT2.0 days planned for this year starting on November 6th with HomeGrown Leon, a day focusing on the locally “grown” industries within Leon County ranging from agriculture to arts to food to brewing. We hope to see you there!