Please follow the below instructions carefully. All three (3) parts of the application process must be completed to be eligible for this program.
1. Online Application
Access the Online Application, read through the information carefully, complete each question and then sign and submit the questionnaire by the submission deadline.
2. Permission Forms
Download and print the Parent Permission Form and the School Permission Form and obtain the required signatures. Turn the completed forms in to your School YLT Contact before the submission deadline.
3. Letter of Recommendation
Please have a reference submit one (1) letter of recommendation on your behalf to the YLT Office Contact (contact info below). This reference must be a non-relative who has personal knowledge of the applicant i.e., teacher, coach, counselor, principal, youth group director, volunteer coordinator, etc.
Completed applications are due by Monday, February 06, 2023.
YLT Office Contact
Lili Hoffman, Program Director
P: (850) 521-3115
E: lhoffman@talchamber.com
PO Box 1639, Tallahassee, FL 32302